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Rose Garden Mala


Rose Garden Mala

Meditation beads made with 78 Tree Agate beads, 16 matter Rose Quartz beads, and 14 Pink Opal beads hand strung on stainless steel beading wire featuring a Rose Quartz pendant. Mala measures approximately 44” around.

In the world of gemstones, the vibrant green of the Tree Agate crystal links it with abundance and good luck, making it ideal as a protective talisman to protect you from energy vampires trying to knock the wind out of your sails. The buzz kills, dream crushers, and any other negative forces telling you that you’re not good enough, including your own inner critic, are driven away by the protective properties of this powerful warrior stone. In Feng Shui, it brings the energy of nature into your space but without the responsibility of a real plant, a perfect substitute for those that lack a green thumb. Every time you glance at the stone, let it be a beautiful reminder of your strong connection to the great outdoors and its abundance of natural wonders. The best way to access the lush and invigorating vibes of the Tree Agate crystal is by meditating with it on a daily basis, which gives you a chance to get up close and personal with this magical stone. Hold a crystal in each hand and notice how it feels to the touch. Sit quietly with the stone and imagine breathing in the highest white light into your spirit. Give your Tree Agate a job to do by visualizing an intention, which it will store for you to call on whenever you feel the intuitive pull of its energy. People often say that the crystals choose you instead of the other way around. If the Tree Agate has found its way into your orbit, it could be a sign that you need its calming and centering vibes to keep you gently flowing to the natural rhythm of nature. Instead of trying to keep up with the frenzied speed of our hectic world, slow down for a few minutes and ask the stone to help you clear blockages within your body’s energy field and take you down a river of tranquility and abundance

Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. It dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. Rose Quartz, also known as The Heart Stone, is intricately connected to the heart chakra. This crystal is often used in helping the heart heal from pain or trauma left from deep emotional wounds. Rose Quartz is also used as a calling card for those who crave more love in their lives. This doesn’t always need to take the form of romantic love, but more in finding a deep sense of compassion and care in this world – especially if it comes from one of the most important sources who can bring it – oneself. If your heart chakra feels blocked you may experience the signs of unhealthy behavior when it comes to relationships. Maybe you will lean more towards co-dependence, be quick to jealousy, have little trust in yourself or others, and often feel unwilling or unworthy enough to give yourself to the grace of love. One of the most stunning Rose Quartz healing properties is its ability to crack open the heart and put you back in alignment so you feel connected, comforted, and open to all the possibilities that a joyous life can bring. Another beautiful benefit of Rose Quartz is her deep vibration and attunement with the goddess energy. Rose Quartz is connected with the feminine divine, meaning that it carries the aura of compassion and peace and the warmth of mothering – all with the superior strength of spirit. If you feel you need to learn how to self soothe, to be healed by your own hands, and to uplift your own potential into the goddess sphere, then Rose Quartz is a path that will take you there.

Pink Opal is a very powerful crystal when it comes in contact with one’s heart. This stone activates and unlocks our heart chakra and imbues one’s aura with calming, tranquil vibrations. It's a perfect stone for someone to carry if they are struggling with any sadness, especially that of a broken heart. Pink Opal will serve your emotional body when it comes to a breakup, loss of a loved one, or even long distance relationships. This crystal pushes us to look within, and strengthen our connection to our inner self. By strengthening this connection, we become stronger as individuals. This teaches us that we don't have to lean on our loved ones as much, and can rely on just ourselves. Pink Opal gives a sense of individuality while showing just how strong you and your heart truly are. By turning inwards and beginning to work on yourself, emotional strain weighing on one's heart and mind begins to fade away.

*ALL* of my mala are unique, one-of-a-kind creations never duplicated!

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